meds delayed again

I have now gone a total of 15 days without strattera. I thought I would have my new prescription today, but the pharmacy just called and said that it didn’t arrive with today’s order. They’ve reordered it and should have it on Saturday. The irony of the situation doesn’t escape me: I know I need to be patient, but it’s really hard to do with (unmedicated) ADD!

The last time I tried a stimulant I took “holidays” on weekends, ergo, I won’t really need it until I’m back at work on Tuesday. I just need to make it though 2 more days of work this week. I have a med management appointment with my medshrink on Wednesday, and that’s not nearly enough time for me to figure out whether the new med is working well enough or not.

In other less-interesting but related news, last night I put away last week’s clean laundry, did 6 more loads of laundry and swapped out my seasonal clothes, all before “Lost” began at 9. My increased energy from not taking strattera for these past two weeks is paying dividends! Now if I could just conquer the piles of junk on my dresser and cedar chest…

I will post some thoughts about the season finale of “Lost” later….

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